Why You Should Switch HTTP to HTTPS

Why you should switch HTTP to HTTPS 2

You may have notice during browsing that some websites have HTTP (or, http://)  in the start of URL and some have HTTPS (https://). The websites which have HTTPS in address bar may also have a green color lock symbol, or other signs that make the URL field look different from others. Why You Should Switch HTTP to HTTPS? What does it mean? Does it really make a difference?


Yes it does. A single “S” can make a big difference when it comes to security and high-rank.


Let’s start by differentiating both the terms:


What is HTTP?


HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It used to share information easily between servers and computers via the Internet. It is “stateless,” which means it doesn’t attempt to remember anything about the previous web session. The main benefit of HTTP is that there is less data to send, which increased speed.


What is HTTPS?


HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol and the added “S” in HTTPS stands for “secure”. In HTTPS Protocol, data is encrypted with Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). And the problem with HTTP protocol is that, data is  not encrypted or can be hacked easily. HTTPS protocols remedy this by using an SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate, which helps to create a secure encrypted connection between the server and the browser. With the help of this we can save sensitive information from being stolen as it’s transferred between the server and the browser.

As Wikipedia explains it, “HTTPS provides authentication of the website and associated web server with which one is communicating, which protects against man-in-the-middle attacks.” Historically HTTPS has been enacted to protect user privacy during data exchanges, specifically for transactions. However in the last decade we’ve seen the use of HTTPS become more widespread and common among all pages of a website to provide added levels of protection for both users and the site’s themselves.


SEO Advantages of Switching HTTP to HTTPS


It not only has security advantage but also can boost your website SEO. The followings are a few ways in which HTTPS can help to improve your SEO:


1)  Increase Your Website Rankings


Converting website HTTP to HTTPS doesn’t increase your ranking at the moment, almost all experts recommend it as part of an overall SEO strategy.  With HTTPS in link Google showed “positive results” in terms of relevancy and ranking in Google’s search results.


2)  Referrer Data


HTTPS website makes Google Analytics more effective. This is because the security data of the website that referred to you is saved with the use of HTTPS – it’s not with HTTP sites. In HTTP sites, referral sources will be used as “direct traffic”. Referrer data in https is itself a big advantage for SEO.


3)  Security and Privacy


Like any good security system, HTTPS helps both website operators and their users feel safe. The security & Privacy protect your website from monetary damages and data theft as well as damage to your site’s authority or reputation.


4)  Build Trust with Visitors


Because an HTTPS site encrypts all communication, visitors will protect not just sensitive information, like passwords and credit card information, but also their browsing history. Knowing that their information is safe on your website help you to build trust, which is vital to capturing leads and closing sales.
