Technology to allow for deliveries to be carried out with ease. As well as, simplifying the pharmacist’s daily tasks with unbounded Pharmacy Delivery App Solution to accessible database.
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Our Pharmacy Delivery App Solution is a web- and mobile-based system that manages the delivery of medicine to patients from pharmacies or medical centers. The medicine delivery app is a comprehensive and integrated medicine tool to manage delivery to patients. We offer our well-designed and fully-featured Pharmacy Delivery App Solution. Whether you are a doctor or a manager in a healthcare center, you can contact us for more details about the complete system. We serve globally and are happy to serve you.
Paying online should also be a part of most health apps. As patients have to pay for medical services or insurance in many instances.
With Online Consultations, patients can consult a doctor online and get the medical assistance that he needs at his own comfort and convenience.
Reminds you of your upcoming appointments and improve the bottom line by reducing missed appointments.
Check and view lab results, examine statements, and prescriptions. You can access them whenever you need them.
Deliveries are carried out24/7. As well as a real-time tracking from the pharmacy to the Pt’s home.
Our application is very easy to use and will have video tutorials available to help you navigate throughout the app.
Updates will be made further down the road to allow for more patient interaction.
Delivery will be saved on and admin panel and can be quired. All the information will be available (Driver name, Driver and Pt signature, Time stamp of the delivery all at your fingertips
We will have an open line to accept any calls or emails for any support needed, helping you innovate your business every step of the way.
Pharmacist will be paying for the deliveries biweekly, and drivers will get paid biweekly as well.